Interment Operation (Grave Diggers) NVQ-J level 2 now avaiable
Jamaica Gleaner – Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions
KCDI Jamaica at Denbigh 68 with Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers

Nationwide News – KCDI Ja/HEART Trust Grave Diggers Interview

KCDI Director awarded for outstanding contribution to Agriculture

Dr Lisa Mayers-Morgan continues to provide outstanding service to Jamaica and the Caribbean in the area of agriculture.
KCDI Director to speak at United Nations

Dr. Margaret Chin will be speaking at the United Nations High Level Political Forum on July 2022 in New York presenting Civil Society Report on Jamaica Voluntary National Report (VNR).
KCDI Jamaica 6 Week Forklift training program

CVMTV 6 Week Forklift Operation Course Set to Kick Start | News | CVMTV – YouTube
HEART-Trust / KCDI Jamaica’s Interment Operation (Grave Diggers) NVQ-J level 2 program approved

The HEART-Trust/KCDI Jamaica’s Interment Operation NVQ-J level 2 program has been approved at the National and Regional level. This program is the first of its kind in Jamaica and the Caribbean and will improve the standard of living for practitioners in the Burial Service Sector in the Caribbean. KCDI Jamaica continues work with stakeholders (collages, […]
Bureau of Standard Jamaica National Mirror Committee 323 Chair by KCDI Jamaica

The Bureau of Standard Jamaica National Mirror Committee 323 is Chair by KCDI Jamaica Executive Chairman Mr. Donovan A. McLaren. The scope of work speaks to the Standardization in the field of Circular Economy.
The Trench Town Polytechnic College & KCDI Jamaica sign Memorandum of Agreement

The Trench Town Polytechnic College and KCDI Jamaica will be providing Forklift Operation training program for Trench Town and the surrounding communities by May 2022. This was announced by KCDI Jamaica Chairman Dr. Donovan Kevoy McLaren after the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement with Trench Town Polytechnic College.
Development Bank of Jamaica approve KCDI Jamaica as BDO

The Development Bank of Jamaica as approved KCDI Jamaica as one of its Business Development Organization (BDO) KCDI Jamaica partnered with the Development Bank of Jamaica, (DBJ) as a Business Development Organization (BDO) to provide advisory services to assist MSMEs in accessing critical business development services. KCDI Jamaica main responsibilities will be to conduct assessment […]